Akihiro Kawasaki
Strength & Conditioning Coach
米国アラバマ大学バーミングハム校(University of Alabama at Birmingham, aka UAB)
教育学部 エクササイズサイエンス学科卒業
UAB : ”The 2009 Academic Ranking of World Universities places UAB within the top 200 universities in the world and top 100 in the nation.In the 2010 Princeton Review College Rankings, UAB is listed as one of the Best Southeastern Colleges and among the top 15 percent of colleges and universities in the U.S.”
(UAB は、川﨑が在学中の2009年に世界で200位以内、全米で100位以内に入るほどアカデミックに力を入れた大学で、2010年にはアメリカ南東でもトップクラスの大学と称され、全米全体でもトップ15%に入る。)
2011年~2014 年まで、アメリカ5大バレエ団であるヒューストン・バレエ団 (The Houston Ballet) の付属校、ヒューストン・バレエ・アカデミーに (Houston Ballet Academy) にて、ウェイト・トレーニングクラスを受け持ち、世界に羽ばたく未来のトップバレエダンサーたちの育成に携わる。
クラス内容は女性ダンサーだけではなく、男性ダンサーには特に必要なリフト(女性を持ち上げる)、ジャンプ、ターンなどの動作やパートナリング動作を含んだ踊りを強化するため、バレエの基礎クラスや公演を研究して、Functional Movement Systems®も用いながら、動作解析やJoint-by-joint approach をもとにオリジナルなエクササイズを作って指導。
UAB入学以前には、大学アメリカンフットボールの本場であるミシシッピ州の短期大学、MGCCC:Missisippi Gulf Coast Community Collegeに在学し、アメフトチームのアスレチックトレーナーを務めた経験もある。そしてそのチームは、川﨑の在籍年に全米チャンピオンに輝いた。当時リハビリサポートやトレーニング、ストレッチを担当したチームの中には、卒業後NFL(ナショナルフットボールリーグ)で活躍する選手もいる。
2020年 全世界の芸術家とアスリートをサポートに貢献すべく、Performing Art & Sports Medicine Institute (PASMI)を始動させる。
![]() Akihiro Kawasaki | ![]() Class at HB | ![]() After a Session | ![]() Ballet Boys |
![]() Aki Training | ![]() With Dancers |
Akihiro Kawasaki (a.k.a. Aki) is originally from Ibaraki, Japan.
Currently working as a head S&C coach at the Houston Ballet and Houston Ballet Academy with certifications/completions of Functional Movement Systems (FMS level 2, FMS - Y Balance Test), Rossiter (level 4), Yamuna Body Rolling (YBR, Face, Foot, Table Treatment), Animal Flow and Spatial Medicine and more...
His unique career includes medical and fitness field through internship under physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists at Shelby Baptist Medical Center in Alabama, serving as a personal trainer, and has worked as a strength & conditioning (S&C) coach for the Olympians for the national team of Japan.
Kawasaki began teaching Strength and Conditioning, Weight Training, Strength Training, Yamuna Body Rolling classes and Private sessions at Houston Ballet Academy in 2011. Also, he has been providing private and group sessions with Houston Ballet company members weekly to strengthen their weak-links and to prevent injuries.
Kawasaki has created exercises specifically using various technique and knowledge of FMS, Animal Flow and Spatial Medicine for dancers that will help strengthen the muscles efficiently to prepare them for the strenuous movements on stage. This style of muscle strengthening takes a specific understanding of how dancers’ movements are complex, yet graceful, and demanding.
His strength and conditioning classes at Houston Ballet are creative and fun for the dancers to participate in while utilizing resources such as: their own body weight, Swiss balls, weighted sand bags and various sizes of dumbbells, among other resources.
Kawasaki not only instructs the dancers on proper form but also reiterates the importance of nutrition, diet and hydration. He also helps keep them motivated to reach their goals and achieve their full potential.
One of Kawasaki’s philosophies is, “it is essential for student dancers to understand human anatomy, biomechanics and exercise physiology in order to be able to practice self-care, to rehabilitate, and to choose training exercises in order to maximize and exceed their full potential in their body for their practice and performance in ballet.” Kawasaki works with Houston Ballet’s instructors to help the dancers with any weaknesses and to improve dance technique through strength and conditioning. He has designed different exercises for male dancers to improve personal ballet technique and strengthen partnering skills.
Kawasaki has taught both male and female dancers about the importance of the human body and how to take care of it. After the dancers strenuous yet productive session with Kawasaki, he teaches the importance of conditioning, resting the muscles and how to help prevent injuries after exercising.
One way of helping the muscles relax is the practice of Yamuna Body Rolling or YBR. YBR is a component of bone stimulation which posits that if the bones are in correct alignment, then the muscle then will function correctly. Having the muscle properly function assists in relieving pain, preventing injuries and reducing unnecessary stress. As with any professional sport, these dancers work hard on a daily basis to better themselves in their performances.
During the ‘off-season’, the dancers continue to exercise and maintain a healthy diet. They rely on the help of health professionals/trainers such as Kawasaki to reach personal goals, minimize injuries and keep the body healthy.
Kawasaki asserts that understanding human physiology will “produce more great, strong and reliable dancers in order to bring the level of Houston Ballet or other ballet companies higher and better.”
● ストレングス・トレーニング
● コンディショニング・トレーニング
また、一般の方に向けて行うS&Cのコーチングは、その人の"QOL=Quolity of life"(人生の質)の向上をめざし、生活の資本であり基盤になる、ご自身の身体の健康の維持のためにできることをご紹介し、一緒に成長を楽しんでいくプログラムを作成することができます。